Paula’s Halloween Party Menu
Planning a Halloween bash? Take a cue from our spooky Halloween party menu, and scare up a howling good time!

What party could be complete with out a cauldron of Paula’s favorite brew? Follow our directions for setting your bowl of brew in a vat of dry ice for even more fun!

If you’re anything like us, you’ll be gobblin’ up this Cheese Ball Goblin in no time. Serve this ghoulish appetizer with your favorite crackers and assorted vegetables.

Cheese Cats, Bats, and Jack-o-Lanterns
Cheese cookies are a staple at any Southern affair, but for Halloween, try these cheese cookies cut into spooky, creepy cats and bats!

Overwhelmed by your stash of Halloween candy? Turn it into this yummy bark-style candy.

Wait! Don’t throw away your pumpkin seeds when you’re finished carving. You can save them and turn them into this frightfully good fall snack.

Dessert never tasted so good with these devilish cupcakes. The little ones will enjoy decorating these scary cupcakes almost as much as they’ll love eating them.