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Thanksgiving Salads


We know what you’re thinking—who eats a salad on Thanksgiving when the table is full of turkey, potatoes, and cranberry sauce to be eaten?! Spoiler—more people than you think! Having something fresh and delicious can offer a nice reprieve from the heaviness of most of the other items on the Thanksgiving menu, and these Thanksgiving salads certainly fit the bill.

Before you gobble up your turkey and fixin’s, consider having a salad for your first course. Not only is it always wise to have some fresh veggies with every meal, but starting off with something lighter can help you fill up a bit before you go overboard on the turkey and all the traditional Thanksgiving side dishes. And while we can’t get enough of the classic Turkey Day dishes, we definitely can get enough of the way-too-full feeling.

So whether you’re looking for fresh vegetable salads, homemade salad dressings, or dessert salads, just know that Paula has you covered when it comes to Thanksgiving salads. Start your Thanksgiving meal off right with one of these fresh and tasty salads, but before you do, let us know which salads you plan to make in the comments below!

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