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Paula’s Perfect Plate: Snack Your Way Through The Day


From a very young age, we are taught to eat three designated meals each day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. The typical time lapse between our three staple meals is roughly 4-6 hours with a 12-hour “fast” during our nightly rest.

If you are a person that feels hungry between meals, here are two things to consider:

1. QUALITY: The quality and combination of the nutrition you are consuming at each meal greatly affects satiety. In order to stay full and satisfied for longer periods of time, consume all three macronutrients at each meal (healthy fat, lean protein, and fibrous carbohydrates). If your meals are imbalanced or lack quality nutrition, the result will be premature hunger, extended digestion, lethargy, weight gain, disrupted sleep patterns, and more. Click here to download a handy printout with helpful reminders.

2. SNACK: Snack all day long! I eat like an infant, opting to have five to six 300-to-400-hundred calorie meals (snacks) a day. I always feel full and satisfied, my blood sugar is stable, and my energy stays elevated all day long. (No wonder babies are such happy little beings!)

Take a look at this Paula’s Perfect Plate and SNACK ON!!!

Paula's Perfect Plate

Start the day with Paula’s hearty, delicious and perfectly balanced Savannah Omelet with Shrimp, Cherry Tomatoes, and Scallions. Follow that up with a morning snack of fresh tomato slices, and a lightly salted hard-boiled egg. Lunch is equally as delicious with my Protein Spinach Salad and Cold Summer Soup. Next, enjoy a mid-afternoon snack of raw almonds and cottage cheese. This snack will keep you feeling satisfied right up until dinner when you will enjoy Paula’s Scallop, Pineapple, and Vegetable Skewers.

Eating healthy is never a sacrifice when you plan, prepare, and practice the basic rules of The 80/20 Lifestyle.

Until Next Time… LIVE INSPIRED!



Robin Shea - As a healthy lifestyle mentor, speaker, celebrity cook, and creator of The 80/20 Lifestyle, Robin Shea is committed to providing her clients with reliable sources for nutritional and fitness guidance, among other aspects of healthy living. Robin has been helping people embrace healthier food choices, fall in love with fitness, and correct plain old stinkin’ thinkin’ for over 14 years.
