At the end of each year we set up our resolutions for the upcoming year. We repeat to ourselves that this time we are really going to work hard to achieve those things we’ve been wanting to do so badly: lose weight, run faster, finish a 5K, stop eating junk, cut sugar, drink more water, go to church every Sunday, spend more time with our families… you name it!
January comes. We start taking all the necessary steps to reach our goals, and usually when August comes around, we still haven’t achieved most of them. Maybe we forgot about them, maybe some of them are not a priority anymore, or maybe we just gave up… I feel your pain; I’ve been there so many times!
The truth is that those goals are just ideals that we establish. Don’t get me wrong; resolutions are great! But sometimes we can feel the pressure and think we’ve failed if we don’t achieve “X” thing by “X” day. I consider myself a goal-oriented person, and I always encourage the people I work with to set their goals and work towards them. However, we need to remember that as we evolve, our goals evolve too, and that’s ok.
Here are some tips that may help you:
- Set intentions. Goals are great, but intentions are better. Ask yourself why you want that thing so badly. Once you are clear on your goals, always come back to these intentions. They will keep you accountable and help you overcome the obstacles that may arise.
- Life is constantly flowing, so embrace the changes that may come our way. Just because we said we were going to do something 6 months ago, it doesn’t mean that it’s written in stone. If your goal was to run a 5K but you got injured or realized that you don’t enjoy running, it’s ok. Just remember your intention and set up a new goal that aligns with it, like staying active or incorporating any other physical activity.
- Get back up. If you constantly remember your intentions and there haven’t been any changes in your life, it doesn’t mean you’ve failed. Just get up again! You don’t need to wait until January 1st to start from scratch. You make many decisions each day; just be sure that the next one you make takes you a step closer to where you want to be.
- Remember that goals are only temporary ideals. Once you reach them, you are going to want to make more, and that’s great! Keep setting up intentions and goals, and keep working hard. Keep evolving and becoming a better version of yourself every day!
- Smile. It doesn’t matter where you are right now, you can always smile! Don’t let your unfulfilled goals keep you from enjoying the gift of life.
Getting out of our comfort zones is hard, but once we get over an obstacle, the satisfaction is so great that we feel completely empowered…. Let’s get started today.