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Apple Pie of My Eye


Oh, apple pies, how we love thee; let us count the ways! We love your flaky crust and your sweet fruity filling. You make ice cream extra delicious. You’re a tasty emblem of America, and you remind us of home. And maybe most importantly, there are recipes for you to suit anyone’s palate!

Whether you prefer to use sweet apples or tart ones, a pre-made crust or one of your own creation, there’s a recipe for you! And whether you open a can of pie filling or you cook down your own apples, there’s one for you! And whether you like a crumble crust, a classic lattice, or a full top with a cute little cut out—you guessed it—there’s a recipe for you, too.

Now we’d love to hear about the apple pie that makes your heart and your tummy do a little pitter-patter and that kicks your taste buds into overdrive. So tell us—which version is the apple of your eye?

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